Le Miroir de Musique
An ensemble specialised in the music of the late Middle Ages and Renaissance, from the golden age of the troubadours to the humanist movements of the 16th century.
Directed by Baptiste Romain.

© Cécile Mansuy
Le Miroir de Musique is an ensemble specialised in the music of the late Middle Ages and Renaissance, from the golden age of the troubadours to the humanist movements of the 16th century. Directed by Baptiste Romain (vielle, renaissance violin, lira da braccio, bagpipes), the ensemble is based in Basel (CH) and brings together the most prolific of the new generation of early music performers, many of whom are graduates of the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis.
The image of a Mirror of Music is borrowed from Jacques de Liège’s treatise (Speculum Musicae), and reflects our goal of painting a vivid picture of medieval and Renaissance music, in a spirit of fidelity to the original sources.
Le Miroir de Musique has performed at the Early Music Festival Utrecht (NL), Tage Alter Musik Regensburg (D), Laus Polyphoniae Antwerp (B), Rencontres du Thoronet (F), Festival de Lanvellec, Musicales du Trophée (La Turbie / Monaco), Montalbâne (D), Fiori Musicali Parma (IT), Forum Alte Musik Zürich (CH) Sastamala Gregoriana (FI), Fide & Amore (PL), Wonderfeel (NL), Festival Espazos Sonoros (Galice, E), Musiksommer am Zürichsee (CH), Radovljica Festival (SL), Song of our Roots Jaroslaw (PL), Siglurfjördur Festival (IS) Nuits de Septembre, Liège (B), CIMM St Guilhem-le-Désert, and in numerous concert series such as Freunde Alter Musik in Basel (CH), Les Goûts Réunis Lausanne (CH), Oude Muziek Netwerk (NL), Mischeli Konzerte Reinach (CH), Vocalises Belfort (F), Forum Alter Musik Augsburg (D), Les Riches Heures de Valère Sion (CH), Musique Ancienne à Sainte Marie Mulhouse (F), Voix et Route Romane Alsace (F), Sternschuppen Zürich (CH)…
Discographic releases
2021 Johannes Martini & La Fleur de Biaulté, (c.1430-1497), psalms, chansons, instrumental music, motets, mass movements
2019 Gaude Felix Padua : Johannes de Lymburgia (fl.1430) motets, hymns, mass mouvements (RIC405)
2018 In Seculum Viellatoris : the medieval vielle (RIC388)
2017 Secret Consolations: Johannes Tinctoris (c.1435-1511) chansons, motets, mass mouvements, instrumental music (RIC380)
2016 Arnold & Hugo De Lantins, Secular Works: French & Italian love songs in Venice around 1420 (RIC365)
2015 Sulla Lira, the voice of Orpheus: the art of recitation – lira da braccio – lirone (RIC354)
2013 The Birth of the Violin: the first violins and their repertoire 1500-1550) (RIC333)

Johannes Martini & La Fleur de Biaulté (c.1430-1497)
Psalms, chansons, instrumental music, motets, mass movements

Gaude Felix Padua : Johannes de Lymburgia (fl.1430)
Motets, hymns, mass mouvements

In Seculum Viellatoris : the medieval vielle

Secret Consolations: Johannes Tinctoris (c.1435-1511)
Chansons, motets, mass mouvements, instrumental music

Arnold & Hugo De Lantins, Secular Works: French & Italian love songs in Venice around 1420

Sulla Lira, the voice of Orpheus: the art of recitation
Lira da braccio – lirone

The Birth of the Violin: the first violins and their repertoire (1500-1550)

Antone Gosswin, Selected Works
Antoine Gosswin, born in Liège, was a singer, composer, and violinist who worked with Orlando di Lasso, accompanied Emperor Maximilian II and Ernest of Bavaria. He composed numerous masses, motets, madrigals, and German songs, continuing Lasso's musical innovations.
Tu ch'ai le corna / Passamezzo / Occhi convien / Madonna il tuo petto
Pianzeti christiani
Redeuntes, Recordare frater pie
Hugo de Lantins, Per amor de costey
Il Vespro dei Laudesi
Il Vespro dei Laudesi
Venezianische Volksfrömmigkeit in den Passionsgesängen der Laudesi
Fabula di Orfeo – Angelo Poliziano (1454-1494)
Fabula di Orfeo – Angelo Poliziano (1454-1494)
The program centers on Fabula di Orfeo by Poliziano, combining concert and theatrical elements to explore the myth of Orpheus as told by the Renaissance poet. The performance features a

English, français, Deutsch, italiano, español
Basel, Switzerland